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About Me

I am the owner of Energetic Health & Wellness. I have been studying, practicing Natural Healing and Energy Healing for over 15 years. I consider myself a student of life as I love to learn and share.  I am an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Speaker, Published Author, Transformational Life Coach and German New Medicine Practitioner, I offer a compassionate non-judgemental, supportive safe space for transformation (bridge the gap of where you are now to where you want to be) through healing, re-patterning, restructuring and reprogramming the body, mind and spirit from the inside out.

Let me help you find your way through:

  • Allergies
  • Physical Pain
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Financial Struggles
  • Weight – Body Image
  • Emotional Pain and Suffering (Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Anger, Insecurities, Lost, Broken, Fatigue, Unworthy, Non-Deserving)
  • Lack of Self Love and Confidence
  • Illness and Disease
  • Hormone imbalance

Move from Pain Island to Pleasure Island ♥

We are not able to see the Picture very well when we are in the Frame, It would be my honour and privilege to support you.

Love and Light ♥


Jackquline Ann is certified in seven Energy Medicine Modalities; Emotion Code, Kinesiology Deep Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping acupressure points), Reiki Master, Theta Healing, Chakra Balancing, Flow Breath Facilitator and a Life Mastery Consultant (Transformational Life Coach)

As a certified Life Mastery Consultant, Jackquline Ann teaches tools and principles to design and manifest a life that’s in harmony with your Soul’s purpose. She will support you in learning how to rely on and believe in your Unlimited Potential and Power Within.
As an Energy Medicine Practitioner Jackquline Ann supports in removal of negative emotions and blocks trapped in the subconscious mind.

My Mission

​Support people with connecting to their true natural inner power they were born with and learn to live from this natural inner power to create a life filled with peace, joy, happiness, health, wealth and success. Support mankind in transforming from a Fear based world to a Love based world.

I am honoured to serve, support, inspire and empower all those that are drawn to me to live their highest vision in the context of love and joy. My passion is teaching clients to unlock their true potential, achieve outrageous success and live a life they LOVE living!