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Have you heard the statement ‘what you put out there comes back to you’ or ‘what you think about you bring about’?  These statements are very true.  The challenge for many of us is we may have more negative experiences in our life than positive ones.

You can shift this with Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is a very important practice in supporting our wellness.

Gratitude = Abundance the more gratitude we practice the more abundance we will experience.

I recommend adding a gratitude practice to your daily routine.  Journalling things you are grateful for and adding why you are grateful.  For example, I am grateful for electricity.  That is great however if you had why you will support raising your vibration of your emotional feelings.  I am grateful for electricity because it provides me with lights to see in the dark, heat to keep my house warm, power for my laptop to build my business.  Do you feel the difference? The increase of your emotional vibrational feelings?

Your inner power (god, creator, universe, source, higher power, etc.) communicates with you through your emotional vibration.  When we add why we are grateful it will increase our emotional feelings and bring into your experience more abundance.

Shift from focusing on what you don’t have or what’s not working out in your life to focusing on what you do have and what is going well in your life.  Can be as simple and profound as feeling grateful you woke up today because many people didn’t wake up today.

With Love, Light & Gratitude

Jackquline Ann

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