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Meditation is a powerful practice to support natural wellness.

I have learned that many people don’t meditate because they are afraid, can’t shut their mind off, its too hard, worried they won’t do it right, fall asleep, or don’t have time.  Truth be known these are all negative paradigms that hold us trapped, stuck or as a hostage from living our best life.

Just like anything that we choose to learn, practice and develop be that a sport or a musical instrument, meditation is the same, we must choose to want to practice developing the skill.

There are many types of meditation such as mindful mediation, spiritual mediation, focused mediation, mantra meditation, Loving-kindness mediation, body scan meditation, and visualization mediation to name a few.

There are many programs and courses available to learn, study and practice meditations. I have taken many however when I first started, I did it on my own with Mindful Meditation.  I would set my alarm for 20 minutes take some deep inhales and exhales to relax my body and focus on a color.  My thoughts would enter, and I would re-focus my attention on the colour. This is a great way to begin, you can set your alarm for any amount of time you like to start with whether that be 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. The important thing is to start.  Set an intention or goal to do it every day for 7 days and see what you experience.

Meditation can have many benefits including but not limited to:  stress reduction, improve emotional wellbeing, improve brain health, increase concentration, support symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD,  and improve sleep.

With Love, Light & Gratitude

Jackquline Ann

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