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I’ve heard it said that some people live ninety years and others live one year ninety times. The difference is that those living their years to the fullest are living their dreams. We are all capable of living our dream lives when we open ourselves up to possibilities and opportunities.

We have been trained to look at conditions and circumstances to determine what the opportunities and possibilities are for our lives, though these conditions and circumstances can be limiting when viewed with just the five senses.

When we live outside the standard senses and use intuition, imagination, and perception we are able to more clearly see our heart’s desire and the dreams that will bring us the happiness we yearn.

We all have an inner power, but it is not one of reason or logic…it is the power of guidance. We were all born with this natural inner power.  Some people refer to this inner power as God, Creator, Universe, Source, just to name a few as there are many terms for our inner power. I believe this to very true because you or I didn’t wake up today telling ourselves to breath or our hearts to beat.  We all have a power within us breathing us and beating our hearts.  I believe we are all Spiritual Beings having a Physical Human experience.

The underlying principle of dream building is this: The power that is within each of us is greater than anything that is outside of us in our surroundings. The power that is within each of us is greater than any circumstance or condition of our life. The power that is within each of us is greater than our history.

There are all sorts of things that we can hold as ideas that will keep us from our dreams, desires, passions and purpose.

Changing our thoughts to best build our dreams, desires, passions and purpose is a two-step process.

First, we must release condition-based thinking. If we focus our thoughts on what we don’t want to happen, we bring about those circumstances.

The second part of the process is to focus on what you do want to create, regardless of our conditions. Focus your attention on your wants and desires.

Each of us is the author of our own thoughts. The past or present does not dictate the future unless we allow it to.  Allow yourself to explore the possibilities of your dreams, desires, passions and purpose, and fill your mind with what you would like to be and do and create and give.

Use your inner power to write the future in a way that supports your dreams, desires, passions and purpose.

P.S. Would you like support in discovering and building your purpose, passions, dreams and desires?

I offer a Free no obligation discovery coaching call  (Value = $250),  Book Here.  I am a firm believer yes and no are of equal value. If I am the coach and energy healer for you great it will be my honour to guide your transformation – if you discover I am not for you that is perfect also I will encourage you to continue searching, you will find what and who your are looking for. 🦋

With Love, Light & Gratitude

Jackquline Ann

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